Terms and Conditions

1. These terms and conditions embody the whole agreement between you (The Customer) and DIX Manufacturing Group (The

Supplier) and you agree to be bound by them.

2. These terms and conditions shall apply to the exclusion of all others, including any terms and conditions of the customer (whether

on the Customer’s purchase order form or otherwise).

3. Standard trading terms are payment is required prior to delivery of goods, unless the Customer operates a pre-approved Credit

account with the Supplier, in which case payment is strictly 30 days from the date of invoice, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing

by the Supplier.

4. Accounts for payment falling due on weekends or public holidays are to be paid on the last week day prior to the due date.

5. The Customer acknowledges that any breach of the payment terms will enable the Supplier to exercise all of its rights contained

herein including (but without in any way limiting its rights) the right to cancel further credit and to take legal action for the recovery of

all sums outstanding. The Supplier may, at its discretion;

a) Charge an administration fee of 15% on the day after payment falls due.

b) Commence interest charges on overdue amounts, calculated daily, at the rate of 6%.

c) Engage outside organisations associated with debt recovery

6. Should payment remain outstanding beyond the Supplier’s Payment Terms as outlined in clause 3, the Customer is liable for all

costs including legal costs (on a Solicitor/own client basis) and mercantile agents fees incurred by the Company in recovering the

amount outstanding.

7. Any contract arising from the supply of goods invoiced by the Supplier will include the following conditions;

– Title to goods supplied, including but not limited to all materials and fabricated assemblies, shall remain the property of the Supplier

until payment is made in full by the Customer for all amounts due to the Supplier.

– If a bona fide dispute arises as to the ownership of goods in possession of the Customer, then it shall be presumed that those goods

are owned by the Supplier, unless the Customer can prove otherwise.

– The risk of loss or damage to goods supplied by the Supplier to the Customer upon delivery shall be entirely at the risk of the

Customer and its carrier in full.

– The Customer will store the goods supplied by the Supplier maintaining records and identification clearly indicating that the goods

remain the property of the Supplier until payment for the goods is received in full by the Customer.

– The goods supplied will be secured by the Customer in order to prevent the risk of theft, damage and weather events ensuring the

goods remain in good and serviceable condition.

8. The Customer will be deemed to have accepted goods as being in accordance with its order unless it notifies the Supplier in writing

of its claim within 7 days of receipt of goods.

9. The Supplier reserves all rights to the goods supplied until all accounts owed by the Customer to the Supplier are paid in full,

including but not limited to the following rights:

a) Ownership of the goods, regardless of whether the goods are on sold by the Customer or used in the manufacture of another


b) To enter the Customer’s premises (or the premises of any associated company or agent where the goods are located) without

liability for trespass or any resulting damage to take possession of the goods; and

c) To keep or re-sell any goods repossessed pursuant to (b) above.

10. The risk of the goods and any liability for injury or damage caused or contributed to by the Supplied goods shall pass to the

Customer upon delivery.

11. The Customer agrees to notify the Supplier in writing of any change of ownership of the Customer within seven (7) days from the

date of such change and indemnifies the Supplier against any loss or damage incurred by it as a result of the Customer’s failure to

notify the Supplier of any change.

12. All warranties whether express or implied and whether statutory or otherwise with regard to the goods supplied by the Supplier

as to quality, fitness for purpose or any other matter are hereby excluded except in so far as any such warranties are incapable of

exclusion at law.